This is a test site only for training purposes for CERRG team members


For Exercise Only - Charleston Hall will be opening to Public from 10am

Home Community Update
Request for Volunteers
Emergency Coordinator from Charleston Community Centre Incorporated - Demo Site
1 week ago

The Hall will be opening from 10am today for any public affected by the flooding.

If you need help for a LIFE THREATENING emergency, call Triple Zero (000).

If you need Emergency Assistance - call SES on 132500

If you have needs that you think can be met locally, please present to the hall from 10 am.

If you can help out those in need - not sure what we will need yet - maybe food, accommodation or general helping out, please present to the hall from 10 am.

Chris Cotton Emergency Coordinator

0417 872 967

or UHF 31

Are you interested in volunteering?
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